
Showing posts from September, 2019

Iglis Virious's Luathas Mass - 9/23/2019 - The Retelling of the Tale of the Seal Breakers

  The following is a direct transcription of each Aisling's words as they were said during the mass. The only edits made are the removal of dialogue not important to the sermon. Iglis: Thank you everyone for joining me. I am Iglis Viriou, priest of Luathas. Normally, my masses are pretty by the books and are quite routine. However, this time, I'd prefer to go a little more by the books... in a more literal sense. Due to the recent influx of new sparks, specifically from ((a few months ago)), I felt it would be a good idea to tell the tale of the Seal Breakers of Temuair. I would like to state up front that these words are not my own, but rather a reading (albeit not literal delivery) from Biothean Magus's biography. So, without further adieu, this is the story of how the five aislings whose images are immortalized behind us broke the seal of Temuair and discovered Medenia. These five aislings were the priest Zephaine, the rogue Akter, the monk WarPanther, the warrior ...

Iglis Virious's Luathas Mass - 9/16/2019

The following is a direct transcription of each Aisling's words as they were said during the mass. The only edits made are the removal of dialogue not important to the sermon. Iglis: Hello one and all, and thank you for attending this mass worship to our Lord, Luathas. I am Iglis Viriou, and it pleases me greatly each time I see faces in this temple, new and old alike. As is the status quo, I will share things I have learned since the last mass worship, and anyone who wishes to do so afterward, may. Once we are finished, I will round it off with a prayer to our Lord. However, since Kedian is in attendance and I know how much he enjoys theology, I feel it is only fitting to not only pray to Luathas, but also his allies of the Octagram, Cail and Gramail. Kedian: *smiles* Iglis: It may be a bit difficult to try and work them all into a single prayer *laughs* But I will try, and failing that, I will lead us in seperate prayers to all three. So! Let us not waste any mor...

Iglis Viriou's Luathas Mass - 9/2/2019

The following is a direct transcription of each Aisling's words as they were said during the mass. The only edits made are the removal of dialogue not important to the sermon. Iglis: Welcome everyone to the Luathas temple. I am Iglis Viriou, a humble priest of these grounds. As is standard procedure for my masses, I would like any of us to share anything we have learned in the past double moon ((1 week)) that they think is interesting or useful, with me taking the lead. However... Since I was unable to host mass last double moon, feel free to include anything that has happened within the last two double moons. Afterwards, I will lead us in prayer, then mass will be cast. As I said, I'll take the lead. I don't have too much to say this time, but what I do have is the reason I personally invited Gliocan priest Merisa in order to give her input. It's not new knowledge to me... but rather, an important reminder. No matter what should happen between you and another...