Iglis Viriou's Luathas Mass - 2/19/2020 - Mental health, physical health, and their relation to learning.
The following is a direct transcription of each Aisling's words as they were said during the mass. The only edits made are the removal of dialogue not important to the sermon.
Today I want to talk about something not quite on topic with "knowledge" per se, but rather, health. Some may believe that poor mental and physical health can have an effect on your ability to retain knowledge. ((So, as someone who suffers from depression, as well as just started taking better physical care of myself, I found it to be relevant to bring up the importance of health in regards to knowledge.)) So, before getting into how knowledge literacy is relevant t to mental health, I want to start by elaborating on the relationship between mental and physical health, just so we're all on the same page. If at any point, anyone wishes to chime in, feel free.
So, at its most basic, it stands to reason that poor mental health can cause one to not have the drive to take care of themselves physical. This is also true of the reverse; being unable to care for yourself physical can have a negative effect on your mental health. ((In fact, a study done in 2009 of patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease found that 22% of the participants had at least mild depression, defined as a score of 14 or more on the widely used Beck Depression Inventory. 17% were taking antidepressants. The researchers say that for these patients, "depression is an independent determinant of health-related quality of life.")) This is just one of the examples of the link between mental and physical health. I won't bore you with more statistics and studies.
Now, emotional and behavioral problems in schools often lead to, of course, discipline referrals, schoil avoidance, suspension, and so on. It's also apparant that mental health and learning disorders lead students to give up on their studies entirely. This can be because they simply can't retain the knowledge, or that the pressure of the knowledge they are trying to obtain seems too great an obstacle to pass, and thus, creates a vicious cycle. They think they aren't good enough, so their studies slip, which proves to themselves that they aren't good enough, and the cycle repeats.
So, while this may have been a bit lecture-y and on the side of a parent telling you what to do, and it may seem pretty self explainatory, I implore you, take care not just of your own health, both physical and mental, but help those around you as well to keep up with their own health. Not only will you eventually start to mentally and physically feel better, but you may even end up coming back to problems you may have thought too great to overcome prior
So like if someone is acting out or acting different, inquire as to their wellbeing?
In a sense, I suppose yes. Maybe not that harshly... But if you notice someone close to you acting out, or not behaving as they normally do... there might be a reason. Maybe it's one they don't wish to speak about. But knowing there is someone who cares and is willing to listen means the world to someone fighting their own mental health battle.
A subject which hits too close to home...
Yes, certainly. I can attest from personal experience.
And with that, if anyone else wishes to speak, please do not hesitate. If not, that will conclude our mass for the night. No? Alright then.
((id love to continue this discourse.. but im much too distracted at this time =/))
All is forgiven Serenna. Anyone else?
((just know that its ok to ask for help... and be vulnerable to the right people. it helps alot ))
Yes, very much so. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. If anything, it is a sign of strength. Think of it as being stranded in the woods, being chased by ravenous beasts. Would you ask someone near you for anything to defend yourself, even if it were a stick? That wouldn't be a sign of weakness, so neither would asking for help with mental issues.
Will this be available for review at a later point?
As for posting this for review, I plan on posting it when I get some spare time... Probably tomorrow. (( https://iglisofluathas.blogspot.com/ ))
Thank you.
Thank you for your kind words!
Thank you
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